
PanTerra Geoconsultants has a pool of expert associates to complement its in house expertise. Their international E&P careers combined with the variety of skills, depth of knowledge and experience assure high quality advice, delivered in a timely fit-for-purpose fashion geared to the client's needs.

Senior Petroleum Geologists

Wim Kouwe

Senior Petroleum Geologist

Wim has 30+ years experience exploring for hydrocarbons worldwide in established super basins and frontier basins (Europe, Greenland, Americas, Africa).  Amongst his key skills are designing, initiating and delivering fit-for-purpose evaluation work programs for any asset, with proven track records in most stages of asset life cycles.  

Theo E. Wong

Senior Geological Consultant

30+ years of international experience in the petroleum as well as mining industry, including NW Europe (with emphasis on North Sea Basin), Caribbean, South America and Pacific regions. Despite his early retirement in 2007, he is still active as an independent consultant.

Salomon B. Kroonenberg

Full Professor Geology

All-round geologist with 40+ years research and teaching experience in many different fields of earth sciences, including sedimentology and sediment geochemistry, metamorphic petrology, volcanology, remote sensing & quaternary geology. Now retired, independent consultant & honorary professor Moscow State University.

Nicolaas Molenaar

Professor in Sedimentary Geology and Diagenesis

25 years research experience in different aspects of theoretical and applied sedimentary geology. Recognized specialist in sediment petrography and diagenesis. Carried out numerous applied research projects for the industry.  Fundamental research on diagenesis of carbonate and siliciclastic sediments.

Mia Van Steenwinkel

Senior Petroleum Geologist

20+ years experience in E&P, training & coaching. Areas of expertise are: carbonates, play-and prospect evaluation, reservoir characterization, static modeling & field development planning in all phases of field life cycle - including EOR projects, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, design of workshops & training.

Laura S. Foulk

Expert Borehole Image Interpreter

Expert on wellbore image interpretation and processing of image data. Her specialities are reservoir characterization utilizing wellbore image interpretation consisting of: fracture-, regional stress-, stratigraphic-, structural- and textural interpretations; image qualification and data integration. 25 years teaching experience.

Kick Kleverlaan

Sedimentologist Deep-Water Deposits

Independent geology consultant with 20+ years experience, specializing in deep-water clastic systems. Carried out numerous sedimentological and stratigraphical research projects for the industry. Currently he is focusing on the importance of hydraulic jumps in turbidite depositional processes.

Jan de Coo

Exploration Geologist

Seasoned and versatile exploration petroleum geologist with extensive international industry experience (Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East, Former Soviet Union, Americas). Instrumental in the subsurface assessment of geothermal energy projects in The Netherlands, leading to several early successful developments.

Gerard Mäkel

Senior Structural Geologist

30 years experience working for Shell as a Research geologist in the field of geomechanics and as a production geologist in Oman, Turkey, Thailand, Argentina, Italy and the North Sea area. With a background in structural geology, he focused on structural problems including fault interpretation and fault sealing analysis.

Dirk Nieuwland

Senior Structural Geologist

Strong background in fracture prediction, fault seal prediction, seismic interpretation & borehole stability. Operational highlights - geomechanical solution of the ‘unsolvable’ South Furious structure (Sabah), the geomechanical solution for El Gassi field & the successful fracture prediction in crystalline basement in Yemen.

Daniela Vlad

Senior Petroleum Geologist

Experience in reservoir characterization & delineation. Keen interest in integrating observations from outcrops, cores & thin sections into modeling & regional reviews. Completed a variety of projects in exploration (regional evaluations & play-based assessment) & production (field development, etc).

Arie Speksnijder

Exploration Geologist

Experienced in regional geological evaluation and Hydrocarbon Play definition. Before the oil industry, Arie worked on study of European Alpine and Variscan orogenic belts. He evaluated basins and their prospective in the North Sea, onshore Europe, Atlantic Margins, Gulf of Mexico, Nigeria, Africa, Asia and Australia.

Senior Petroleum Engineers

Wim van Vark

Senior Reservoir Engineer

Exposed to all aspects of Reservoir Engineering during a Shell career of almost 35 years. Oil & gas, clastics & carbonates, conventional & enhanced recovery techniques in onshore as well as (ultra deep) offshore locations. Strong in reservoir modeling. Practical experience with well test interpretations & PVT.

Wim de Koning

Senior Production and Petroleum Engineer

35+ years’ experience in Production Technology & Petroleum Engineering mainly within Shell International, of which 6 years in Research (KSEPL), 3 years in Shell Training and 25 years in Production Operations. He has expert knowledge of Waterflood Management, Water Injection & Produced Water Treatment & Disposal.

Willem Schulte

IOR/EOR Specialist

Provides consultancy on field development planning, technology strategies and IOR/EOR methodologies. He focuses on understanding the physics and chemistry of the recovery mechanisms and from this understanding being able to select the best recovery process, given operating conditions, risks and life cycle opportunities.

Rik Drenth

Senior Reservoir Engineer

Conducted, supervised and coordinated many full field (re)development studies, mainly for Shell, but also for other companies. This included developing models, either analytical or simulation based, for the whole production stream from reservoir to pipeline, for oil and gas fields.

Pieter Lingen

Well Test Design & Evaluation Specialist

After a long career at Shell, he specialized in oil/gas-well testing. Became involved in the testing of deep hydrothermal water wells with specific problems such as low cost, changing weight of the water column below the pump and the determination of the connectivity of the mobile water volume between producer & injector.

Jos Maas

Sr. Reservoir Engineer and SCAL Specialist

Over 40 years experience, mainly working for Shell. Focuses on research on SCAL techniques, with numerous peer-reviewed papers, and on teaching SCAL, EOR, geothermal. Interpretation-by-simulation of laboratory data has been the continuous factor in his career. Developed the SCAL simulator SCORES on

Hans Plaat

Senior Petroleum Engineer

Experienced petroleum engineer, notably in field development planning, due diligence & reserves determination with 44+ years industry experience, including 25 years of gas storage experience. He is a well-recognized expert in UGS and a member of various committees related to gas storage.

Hans Bruining

Petroleum Engineering Professor

His distinguished contribution to Petroleum Engineering & Enhanced Oil Recovery was reiterated throughout several honors & awards, particularly the SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty & the Award for “Outstanding Service” to Petroleum Engineering (Reservoir Description & Dynamics).

Dave Masson

Senior Petroleum Engineer

40+ years E&P experience with Shell in Malaysia, Oman, Denmark, UK and the Netherlands. Served as Global VP Development and RDS Chief RE 2006-2016. Core expertise in Field Development, Forecasting at asset and corporate level, Reserves evaluation/management & reservoir modelling and optimisation.

Senior Petrophysicists

Wim Looyestijn

Principal NMR Consultant

Researcher with 30+ years of experience, specialised in the interpretation of NMR core and log data. Experienced in other Petrophysics subjects, ranging from research into tool physics to development of new petrophysical applications: e.g. log deconvolution, thin bed analysis, core analysis, sponge coring, EOR trials.

Piet Gerritsma

Advisor Seismic Applications

Experienced seismic data processor & team leader advanced studies (AVO, multi-component seismic, anisotropy, inversion, 4D seismic and reservoir characterization) with 30 years of experience. Offers course portfolio covering the full spectrum of seismic data acquisition, seismic data processing & quantitative interpretation.

Paul Hofstra

Senior Petrophysicist

Been exposed to all aspects of Petrophysics during a Shell career of 30 years. He has worked in R&D and has been assigned to operating units in the Netherlands, Germany and Brunei. Aside from the basic petrophysical skills, he is strong in advanced techniques like neural networks, probabilistic modelling and statistics.

Hans Hordijk

Senior Petrophysicist

Exposed to all aspects of Petrophysics. Hans has strong skills in integrating core, mud & log data, multi-mineral & fluid analysis, saturation height modeling, upscaling petrophysical properties, pressure & fluid analysis, log derived pseudo synthetics, thin bed analysis & uncertainties. Expert in both sandstone & carbonate reservoirs.

Ap Van Der Graaf

Petrophysics Consultant

30+ years as a Petrophysicist. Has additional expertise in Integrated Reservoir Modelling ("IRM)" workflows (uncertainties in reservoir properties, Saturation Modelling and consistency between modelling scales). He is also highly skilled in Techlog having contributed to the development and the deployment in Shell.

Oil and Gas Development Managers

John P. Boogaerdt

Project Management Consultant

Process and Project Management Engineer with 35 years’ experience at Shell International, OMV, Parker Drilling and OGP. Extensive experience on a wide range of exploration & production subjects and specific experience with major project execution & cross border (gas) pipelines & the business development aspects thereof.

Ben van Rooijen

Project Development Advisor

Project manager with substantial international experience with implementing large oil & gas projects both onshore & offshore, including gas processing plants, topsides & jackets, accommodation modules, LNG/LPG cryogenic plant, subsea & cross country pipelines and gas compressor stations.

Senior Well Engineers

Gerrit Nitters

Well Stimulation Expert

Over 30 years of experience in the oil industry, mainly with Schell. After retirement, he founded Nitters Petroleum Consultancy Int. B.V. Current activities range from lecturing at IFP and Shell Centre to detailed on- and offshore support on acid and fracturing for major oil companies such as Maersk Denmark and ExxonMobil.

Senior Petroleum Geophysicists

Derk Jan Feenstra

Senior Geophysicist

Derk has a background in geophysics management, project, technology, organization & training related consultancy services. Recent hands-on experience in seismic survey design, contracting, data acquisition & processing project management.  

Senior Production Technologists

Joop Cornelissen

Engineering/Facilities Manager

Engineering/facilities manager, knowledgeable on processes, process control, facility, maintenance & operational issues. Excellent analytical skills with the ability to take the overall business need into account. Good view of project economics. Achieves assigned targets in a difficult environment with conflicting priorities.

Senior Production Chemists

Ron Hofland

Production Chemist Specialist

40 years of international experience. Became one of Shell’s global experts on reservoir souring and its mitigation, and is still active in this regard as principal consultant. Responsible for planning, conducting and interpreting of on-site coreflood experiments, geared to establishing quality specs for injected fluids by empirical means.
