The experiments performed are Constant Composition Expansion, Differential Liberation, Separator Tests, Constant Volume Depletion and Viscosity studies. The Constant Composition Expansion employs expanding a known amount of sample from the chosen cylinder in the PVT cell, from the working pressure to ambient pressure at reservoir temperature, with sample volumes measured at each step. The data generated from the experiment is: thermal expansion, saturation pressures, relative volumes, compressibility, Y factor, density at various pressures and reservoir temperature. During the Differential Vaporisation experiment, the analysis will be carried out at reservoir temperature to simulate the volumetric and compositional changes in the reservoir during production. The fluid is charged to a cell at reservoir conditions then expanded stepwise down to atmospheric conditions, with the gas liberated at every step. The output includes GOR, Relative Oil Volume, FVF, gas gravity, gas compressibility factor and liquid density. The Separator Tests are run at stages of temperature and pressure as requested by the client. The fluid at bubble point pressure is flashed from a PVT cell into a separator unit at the first stage conditions. Once the sample is stable, the gas is removed from the cell. The resulting data includes gas volume at Pstage and Tstage, gas volume at standard conditions, separator solution gas oil ratio, Z-factor and relative oil volume at Pstage and Tstage. The Viscosity studies involve fluids charged to an electromagnetic viscometer measurement chamber and then depressurized stepwise. Two coils inside the EMV magnetically force a piston back and forth. Viscosity values are calculated as a direct function of the piston round travel time. The Constant Volume Depletion experiment simulates the behavior of the gas condensates in the reservoir during production.