Chemical core-flood (at reservoir conditions)

In order to predict the behavior of the chemical design, core-floods are used. The core (or a plug) is put under pressure and temperature and saturated with the crude from the field. Subsequently, the EOR fluid or gas is being pumped through it. During the experiment, parameters such as efficiency, adsorption and injectivity can be measured.

Core-flooding is an essential part of designing an EOR development.

PanTerra’s lab is specialized in core-flooding. Core-flooding can be done as part of an EOR design, or on its own as a stand-alone experiment. Part of the services PanTerra offers are also the interpretation of the core-flood data and effluent analysis. This can be done by titration, UV spectrometer or High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC).

Available Services

Want to learn more

Interested in learning about this service? Our PVT & EOR Supervisor is happy to provide you with additional information.

Lucian Pirlea

PVT & EOR Supervisor

Do you have a general question? Please contact us here.
